Town Meetings

RCL Notes on Rye Water District May 4, 2016 meeting

Detailed summary

11:25 elapsed:  Chris Bird (sp?) of Wright Pierce states that, despite seven bid packages having been sent out, there was only one bid presented for the Parsons Road water main project.  The bid was $254,000 compared to a budget of $189,000.  He suggested possible reductions in scope to remain within the budget.

17:00 elapsed:  Commissioner Art Ditto passed out a sheet summarizing the results of recent water sampling that indicate an absence of problems.  Three residents were present and asked extensive questions relating to water quality.  One reports that, in 2002, a high copper content was reported in the Rye Elementary School water, however she has been unable to obtain evidence that the problem was solved.  It was then explained that, subsequent to then, the Water District started injecting chemicals in the water to reduce its acidity, which may have solved the problem.  While problems within the school caused by its own pipes are the responsibility of the School District, the Water District has a responsibility to deliver water of the appropriate pH (i.e. acidity).  Water of high acidity may cause leaching of material from the pipes.
89:56 elapsed:  An update for the CIP plan will be coming up.  The current plan is slipping.  Mention was made of the Garland Well and Parsons Rd.  Because of increased focus on contamination issues, the water treatment plant may be added back into the plan.  Wright Pierce representative Chris Bird discussed the upcoming rate study and his need for budget projections to conduct that.  Editor’s note:  At the February 2, 2016 meeting of the Budget Committee, Selectman Musselman pressed the Commissioners to do a rate study.  He maintains that the portion of Water District costs that are borne by Rye Water District taxpayers is too high, and that the water rates should be increased so that tax rates may be reduced.  Note:  all properties in the Water District are assessed Water District taxes, whether are not they are connected to the mains and also pay for water.
99:42 elapsed:  Office Manager Dyana Ledger discussed various accounting reports.  Discussion of unbudgeted increase in Portsmouth rates for water sold to Rye.
112:35 elapsed:  Portsmouth Water Dept. Manager Brian Goetz arrived and provided information on various contamination issues that they are dealing with.  He states that Portsmouth will need to raise its rates for water sold to Rye.  Editor’s note:  See 4:27 elapsed.  Certain areas of Rye, including Wentworth Rd., part of Frontier Rd., Elizabeth Ln. and, most importantly in terms of usage, the Wentworth-by-the-Sea Country Club, use water that comes from Portsmouth, that may be transferred to the customers through short sections of Rye Water District mains that are connected to Portsmouth’s system, not  the main Rye Water District system.  Certain other customers, largely on Pioneer Rd. are serviced directly by Portsmouth water.   While there is an interconnect between the systems at Foyes Corner, that is rarely opened.  Mr. Goetz explained that they are looking to raise the rate from 81 cents per 100 cubic feet to $3.35.  The rate has not been increased in 27 years.  The new rate would still be less than what Portsmouth customers are now paying.  Portsmouth water rates are projected to have minimal increases in the future, however, they will start raising sewer rates in anticipation of the $75 million waste water treatment plant coming online.  Hydrant rates will be increasing from $150 annually to $600 annually over a period of time as well.  Editor’s note:  These are the charges that the Town of Rye pays for the hydrants, largely along Pioneer Rd., that are in areas served directly by Portsmouth Water.  The Commissioners appear to agree with the rate increase, but complain about the lack of notice.  Mr. Goetz reported that, the next day, they are starting to look at interconnection.  This will involve analysis of water quality and the injection of chlorine.  Rye Water District Manager Ken Aspen reported that the last time water was pumped from Portsmouth into Rye was 1997.